How do you make sure your favourite creative gets bought?
Especially when you often have to show three routes.
All three are good, hopefully, or they wouldn’t have made it to the meeting but the danger is you give people a completely free choice between them.
It might not go the way you want. Odds are it doesn’t.
We’ve all been there.
Instead build the presentation around, and to, the preferred route.
Use the others to sell it in.
Don’t present each route as a separate thing, go on a journey through them. So by the time you get to that third route it’s the obvious and natural choice.
Start by getting your order sorted.
Put the one you want to sell third. The other two before it, in any order but usually the first route is the closest interpretation of the brief.
Then write a presentation story that imagines the routes were created in that order.
You want to make it sound as though the first is an early thought, the second more developed and the third the most complete answer to the brief. That’s why the straightest route tends to go first.
It doesn’t matter if the ideas weren’t created in that order, it’s about giving a sense that each idea is an improvement on the last. And the final one is the most successful solution.
You’ll just need an intro, a bridge sentence between each route explaining why the next is better and a conclusion. What you say varies based on the brief and the work, but it can go something like the example in the carousel.
The whole present basically become an ad designed to sell the third route.
It’s not guaranteed to work, but it improves those odds a bit.