There’s not one way to be a creative director, for me it’s all about collaboration and cooperation. Bringing every dept and person on a brief together with a shared aim. Sometimes that goal might change as the job evolves and you discover an unexpected solution but if everyone is pushing the same way you’re always going to get to a interesting or surprising place. The work will be better and the experience too, less stress and more joy.

My role in this mix is to inspire, to spot the magic, then nod to how it can be pushed, developed and crafted, solve problems before they happen and importantly to help sell it, so everyone can see the possibilities.

In nearly 10 years of creative direction I’ve been a part of a huge amount of work. So there’s just a tiny selection here with the case studies on Halfords, BASF, DAZN and in the craft section of my site featuring more. I’ve a lot of tips and tricks that help great work happen. I’m not going to give away any of my secrets on here but there’s almost no type of job I don’t have experience of and no problem I’ve not helped solve, I find there’s always an clear, calm, panic-free answer.

I’m a very strategic creative, the earlier I’m involved in a job the better, and I want the same for my creatives. Creative shouldn’t just be the middle bit between brief and production. Creative should be part of the team from beginning to end, you never know what might spark that idea. And all the other depts should have a view during the creative process.

Development is almost always the trickiest part of the process for any creative, it’s an area that I’ve spent a lot of time finding solutions or techniques to unblock thinking. Taking on board amends, changes in direction or taking a good piece of work and spotting the places it could be better. Often getting pens on pads finds the answers, stop pontificating or worrying and start writing, you never know what might happen.

Pitching has been a huge part of my role, I’ve taken on and beaten a lot of people to win big brands in a host of sectors. Anyone who’s ever worked in advertising doesn’t need me to tell them pitches are always the most stressful type of job, it’s always been an area I’ve tried to find ways to make as smooth as possible. Often identifying what’s going to win the pitch and have clear focus upfront cuts out a lot of wasted effort and late nights.

Beyond the work itself there’s a lot of things that help an agency be the best it can be. Process seems a slightly weird thing for a CD to be as interested in as I am but often agency systems seem designed to make it as hard as possible to make great work and a great margin. I’ve spent a lot of time helping change the way work goes through an agency, so that not just the work gets better but it’s more efficient and effective. Growing existing clients as much as attracting new ones.

The most important thing to me by far is the people. Building teams and then helping them achieve everything they’ve dreamt of. Creative depts can be notorious for getting wrapped up in the day to day and forgetting the long-term development and future careers. It’s always been a driving passion to empower and pass on as much knowledge as possible, I want everyone I work with to have the best future they can. It’s my job to support that, and make sure it happens. Agencies only produce great work when they’ve got great, happy, driven people.

I’ve worked with far too many talented creatives, strategists, brand team, producers and creators on the work here to name them all individually but I’m immensely proud to have worked with them all. Thanks to each and every one for all the immensely hard work.


BASF / Creating Stand-Out in B2B


Craft / Making The Most Of Work