Discover the opportunity.
Amazing, high-budget, award-winning briefs don't turn up every week. If you want to make great creative you have to hunt for and uncover the win on every brief you work on.
Creative Kick-Off Questions.
You want creatives to leave a briefing session with the ideas already shooting out of their brains. Kick-off questions are one way you can accelerate that important initial burst.
Keep pushing. No thanks!
Too often feedback is vague and subjective. It's one of the most crucial parts of the creative process, needing to be given the respect and time it deserves from all sides.
Embrace the fear.
Once you've found a really brave creative idea you need to make sure you don't just charge forward blindly. Embrace the fear and manage the risks.
Find the fear.
A lot of people want to feel completely in control all of the time, to always know exactly what they're doing. Really you should try and create ideas that scare you.
Creative Qualifiers.
After you've come up with loads of creative ideas it can become very difficult to judge which are the really great ones. 'Creative Qualifiers' are a handy tool that help you sift for the gold.
Getting to great.
How do you start trying to come up with a great creative idea? How do you go from OK to great? Good questions.
Kicking things off.
I'm going to be posting some of my tips, techniques, thoughts, opinions and experience on creativity. All to try and help anyone who wants to create great ideas.